LifeLines Users Guide

Version 3.0.2

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Person Browse Mode

The display screen of each browsing mode is made up of panels. Each screen has one or two data panels that show information from the database. Each screen also has a panel with the menu of available operations and another panel for one line messages from LifeLines.

After you identify a person to browse to, LifeLines enters the person browse mode. The top panel of the screen shows basic information about the person. The middle panel shows the menu of available commands.

Screen Format

person: Thomas Trask WETMORE Sr (25)
  born: 13 March 1866, St. Mary's Bay, Digby, Nova Scotia
  died: 17 February 1947, New London, New London, Connecticut
  father: Daniel Lorenzo WETMORE, b. 1821, N.S., d. 1903, Conn. (48)
  mother: Mary Ann DOTY, b. 1824, N.S., d. 1897, Conn. (59)
  spouse: Margaret Ellen KANEEN, b. 1855, Eng., d. 1900, Conn. (26)
    child: Portia Louise WETMORE, b. 1892, Conn., d. 1921, Conn. (27)
    child: Thomas Trask WETMORE, b. 1896, Conn., d. 1970, Conn. (17)
  spouse: Arleen M KEENEY, m. 1914, Conn. (75)
Please choose an operation:
  e  Edit the person       g  Browse to family     p  Show pedigree
  f  Browse to father      u  Browse to parents    n  Create new person
  m  Browse to mother      b  Browse to persons    a  Create new family
  s  Browse to spouse/s    h  Add as spouse        x  Swap two families
  c  Browse to children    i  Add as child         t  Enter tandem mode
  o  Browse to older sib   r  Remove as spouse     z  Browse to person
  y  Browse to younger sib d  Remove as child      q  Return to main menu
LifeLines -- Person Browse Mode

Available Commands

e Edit the person's database record. LifeLines puts the record in a file and runs your screen editor so you can edit the record. When you return from the editor, LifeLines asks you to confirm any changes; the person is changed only if you answer yes.
f, m Browse to the person's father or mother. If the parent isn't in the database LifeLines doesn't change the display. If there are more than one father or mother, LifeLines asks you to select one.
s Browse to the person's spouse. If the person has more than one spouse, LifeLines asks you to select one. If the person has no spouse, the display does not change.
c Browse to one of the person's children. If there is more than one child, LifeLines asks you to select one. If the person has no children, the display does not change.
o, y Browse to the person's next older sibling or next younger sibling. If the person has no such sibling, the display does not change. Only siblings from the same family are browsed by this command.
g Browse to the family the person is a spouse or parent in, and switch to the family browse mode. If the person is in more than one family, LifeLines asks you to identify one. If the person is not a spouse or parent in any family, the display does not change.
u Browse to the family the person is a child in, and switch to the family browse mode. If the person is not a child in a family, the display does not change. If the person is a child in more than one family, LifeLines asks you to identify which one.
b Browse to a new person or list of persons. LifeLines asks you to identify a person or persons by name, key or list name, and depending on how many persons are identified, switches to the list browse mode, or remains in the person browse mode.
h Add the person as a spouse/parent to an existing family. LifeLines asks you to identify the family, and then asks you to confirm the request.
i Add the person as a child to an existing family. The person may already be a child in another family. LifeLines asks you to identify the family, and then asks you to confirm the request.
r Remove the person as a spouse or parent from an existing family. If the person is a spouse or parent in more than one family, LifeLines asks you to identify the family.
d Remove the person as a child in an existing family.
p Change to pedigree browse mode. The person becomes the root person in the pedigree display.
n Create and add a new person to the database. LifeLines creates a record template and puts you into your screen editor to edit the record. When you return from the editor, LifeLines asks you to confirm the operation. If you do, the new person is added and becomes the current person. If not, the new person is not added, and LifeLines returns to the original display.
a Create and add a new family to the database. The new family may have the current person as either a spouse/parent or as a child; LifeLines asks which. If you choose to create a family with the person as a spouse/parent, LifeLines asks you to identify the other spouse if he or she is known. In either case LifeLines creates a family template, and places you in your screen editor. When you return from the editor, LifeLines asks you to confirm the operation. If you do, LifeLines adds the family and shifts into the family browse mode. If the command you ran just before the a command were the n command, and you choose to create a family with the person as a spouse/parent, LifeLines guesses that the other spouse in the family will be the person displayed just before the new person was created. LifeLines asks you if this is the case, and if so, automatically makes that person the other spouse in the new family. If this is not the case, LifeLines asks you to identify the other spouse.
x Swap (change chronological order) any two families that the person belongs to as a spouse or parent. LifeLines asks you to identify the two families and then swaps them.
t Change to the tandem person browse mode. LifeLines first asks you to identify the second person.
z Zip browse to a new person. LifeLines asks you to identify a person by name or keyvalue, and if you do so, browses to that person.
q Return to the LifeLines main menu.

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