User Interaction Functions

VOID getindi(INDI_V, [STRING]);

identify person through user interface

VOID getindiset(SET_V, [STRING]);

identify set of persons through user interface

VOID getfam(FAM_V);

identify family through user interface

VOID getint(INT_V, [STRING]);

get integer through user interface


get string through user interface

INDI choosechild(INDI|FAM);

select child of person/family thru user interface

FAM choosefam(INDI);

select family person is in as spouse

INDI chooseindi(SET);

select person from set of persons

INDI choosespouse(INDI);

select spouse of person

SET choosesubset(SET);

select a subset of persons from set of persons

INT menuchoose(LIST, [STRING]);

select from a list of options

These functions interact with the user to get information needed by the program.

Getindi asks the user to identify a person. The first argument is a variable that is set to the person. The second is an optional string to use as a prompt. Getindiset asks the user to identify a set of persons. Getfam asks the user identify a family. Getint and getstr ask the user enter an integer and string, respectively.

Choosechild asks the user select a child of a family or person; its single argument is a person or family; it return the child. Choosefam has the user select a family that a person is in as a spouse; its argument is a person; it returns the family. Chooseindi has the user select one person from a set of persons; its argument in a set of persons; it returns the chosen person. Choosespouse has the user select a spouse of a person; its argument is a person; it returns the chosen spouse. Choosesubset has the user select a subset of persons from a set of persons; its argument is the chosen subset.

Menuchoose allows the user to select from an arbitrary menu. The first argument is a list of strings making up the items in the menu; the second, optional argument is a prompt string for the menu; menuchoose returns the integer index of the item selected by the user; if the user doesn't select an item, zero is return.